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BESSY II Checklist

The HZB User Coordination provides an overview over the responsibilities of the main proposer and a checklist which briefly describes which steps you will have to take when you are preparing a beamtime at BESSY II. There are also several important steps that have to be followed by all participating experimentalists.

Important notes for the MAIN PROPOSER

All correspondence will be sent to the main proposer/responsible experimentalist. It is the responsibility of the main proposer to inform his co-proposers and the members of the experimental team.

Invitation letters
Personal invitation letters for members of the experimental team (e.g. for visa procedures) will only be sent on the request of the main proposer. The respective team member has to be registered in GATE.

Scheduling the experiment
Experiments are scheduled by the HZB User Coordination according to the decision of the Scientific Selection Panel and the availability of beamlines and stations. Of course preferred and inconvenient periods mentioned in the proposal are considered for scheduling if possible. 

Sample shipment
In case you have to send your sample in advance, please notify your local contact of the upcoming delivery. It is understood that the sending laboratory bears all costs of the shipment until our institute is reached. Please take care to declare the consignment correctly following the advice in the SAMPLE SHIPMENT info-file.


Declarations required
Please submit the following information at least 3 weeks before your allocated beamtime begins:

  • Proof of Safety Declaration: please declare changes in your safety declaration
  • Chemicals Declaration: please add chemicals/declare changes in your chemicals declaration
  • Experimental Team (Application for Badge & Dosimeter): please nominate your experimental team
  • Users of the MX Beamlines at the PSF@BESSY have to schedule their PSF-beamtime shifts.

Radiation Protection Regulations and Training
Since August 2012 BESSY II provides the so-called TOP-UP operation modus. This mode requires stringent radiation protection measures. Please carefully follow the instructions given in the BESSY II Radiation Protection Requirements and take care of the Radiation Protection Training in GATE. All users are requested to inform themselves about the radiation protection regulations HERE.

SSR Number
In order to be able to clearly associate entries, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) assigns a personal identification number for each person to be registered, the so-called radiation protection register (SSR) number. All guests, users or employees of external companies who want to work in the BESSY II (or MLS, HoBiCaT, bERLinPro) experimental hall require the SSR number.
There will be no dosimeter and no access to the BESSY II experimental hall without SSR number!

Take care of your accommodation bookings - either in the IBZ guesthouse or in one of the nearby hotels.

Things to be done AFTER ARRIVAL ON SITE

Registration and Safety Training
All users must register with the HZB User Office and have a valid safety training done in GATE. An ID Card will grant access to BESSY II buildings and the Experimental Hall. For additional information about registration procedures and the BESSY II safety training, please contact the HZB User Office.

Yellow Board
When you arrive at your experiment please complete a Yellow Board (BESSY II on-site access only) indicating users names, dangerous equipment, hazardous substances and an emergency phone number. You will find a description on how to complete the Yellow Board at every beamline. Please attach all safety data sheets (SDS) of your chemicals to the Yellow Board.

On-site Information
Most recent information for users is displayed on the on-site information system and on the BESSY II Status monitor. In case of any problems, please call the User Assistant ('Hallendienst'). The phone number is given on the system and usually is -12984.

User Support
Please contact the User Support for questions relating to

  • BESSY II User Facilities and on-site assistance
  • Safety, transportation, parking and storage of equipment
  • Consumables, equipment and tools
  • Access to mechanical workshops and lab facilities
  • Supplies (power, water, air, LN 2, LHe...) and disposal

Things to be done AFTER THE EXPERIMENT

Reports & Feedback
Hand in your experimental report and the feedback form using GATE.

Publishing results
Excellence and efficiency of research at large scale facilities will determine the future success and funding of these infrastructures. Please help us by publishing the results of your HZB experiments in the public domain in a reasonable time.